By PJ MONTEZUMA The Malden High School boys soccer team has started off the season on a...
This is the first installment in the weekly series “Nedlam’s Corner,” an advice column for students...
History teacher, Ellsworth Fersch, is joining the Malden High School faculty officially this year after having been...
BY KATIE MAI & AMANDA DE MORAES Rebecca Corcoran grew up in the town of Norfolk, Massachusetts....
BY ROBERTO DE OLIVEIRA & FELICIA FALLANO Former student teacher Amy Cianci is continuing her teaching experience here...
By PJ MONTEZUMA When students think of Malden High School sports football and basketball come to...
By KARINA MATOS On June 14th at Hunting Field, many people came out to support Karina Moreira in her...
By JULIA PARKER The Chapter 70 education aid formula is the Massachusetts Commonwealth’s program for distributing its...
By CHAIMAE EL ADLOUNI The Graduation started off on a sunny day with an opening speech from...
By NICHOLAS BRAMANTE and ANDREW COGLIANO A quiet shuffling of feet and soft chatter filled the Jenkins...