By SUMYA MOHIUDDIN With help from Malden High School Alumni and current classmates, Elizabeth Tran completed her...
By AMANDA DE MORAES Come fall, senior Claude Bonnet will be walking or perhaps running, as he...
BY CANDELA DIAZ “I can’t live without my phone!” A phrase that has been said by so...
BY JAMES MAZARAKIS It is difficult for even an avid Obama supporter like I to watch President...
BY NICHOLAS BRAMANTE Who can take the sunrise, sprinkle it with dew, cover it in chocolate and...
BY LUCIA QUESADA NYLEN In November 2012, 47-year-old Florida man Michael Dunn was arrested for allegedly killing 17-year-old...
By JULIE LAM Among the other Posse scholars, Maha Kourikchi was also awarded this scholarship. Kourikchi first...
By AMANDA DE MORAES A prominent member of the Malden High School community, both through sports and...
By AMANDA DE MORAES and EMMA CEPLINSKAS As a hopeful economics major in the fall, Johnny Chen...
By AMANDA DE MORAES and EMMA CEPLINSKAS As senior year comes closer to an end, Han Truong’s...