The entire Technovation team in Paul Marques’ room. Photo submitted by Paul Marques. Technovation is a program...
The step team performing. Photo by Neden Bernadin. Malden High’s Multicultural Club had yet another successful turnout...
The Malden Music Festival is just around the corner. This event offers dancing and having a good...
Members of the Percussion Ensemble during their performance. Photo by Julie Yu. Every year, the Malden High...
Malden Alumni present at the lunch. Photo by Sara Zakaria. Written by Sara Zakaria and Jemisha Syliant...
On Tuesday, May 8th there was a forum at the Malden High School library intended to help...
The National Latin Exam Award ceremony was hosted on May 4th, in the Malden high auditorium. Many...
Senior Walter Analetto being crowned Mr. MHS. Photo by Leila Greige. The Maldonian Yearbook held a fundraiser...
Malden Reads is hosting “A Conversation on Race” a special panel discussion on race inspired by the...
Each year, the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre at Boston University holds a program called the “Massachusetts Young Playwrights...