Malden Public Library hosted a Young Adult Winter Party as one of their many youth events. The...
After a short couple of years as Principal of Malden High, Ted Lombardi has announced his resignation...
Written by Quyen Le and Angelina Prum The Malden Reads organization hosted a Meet and Greet with...
By Angelina Prum and Quyen Le The Malden Christmas Carol reading is an event held by Business...
Written by Angelina Prum and Quyen Le As the holidays start to creep up, the City of...
Written by Neden Bernadin and Sabrina Monteiro Malden High School students from Play Production performed the musical...
In the Ward 8 elections held on November 7th, 2017, incumbent Jadeana Sica won against her opponent,...
In the Ward 7 elections held on November 7th, 2017, incumbent Neal Anderson reelection. Neil Anderson (incumbent)...
In the Ward 7 elections held on November 7th, 2017, David Camell won, filling former Councillor Neil...
In the Ward 3 elections held on November 7th, 2017, incumbent John Matheson was elected as City...