BY SARA ZAKARIA & RYAN HAMES Thomas Snarsky is a new official teacher at Malden High. He...
BY EMRAUDE BONNET & NEDEN BERNADIN Nora Watson, known to students as Miss Watson, is a new...
By REBECCA OLIVEIRA, TOBY PITAN, & LEILA GREIGE Miranda Libkin is making her encore at teaching at...
BY REBECA PEREIRA, MICHELLE YIN AND JESAIAS BENITEZ The start of a new school year brings new students and...
By JOSANDY JENUE AND CHRISTINA APPIGNANI James Eliscar is Malden High School’s newest addition to the French...
The seniors move on to the next step in their lives. From their last final exams in...
On Saturday June 4th, Malden Kiwanis Club along with Malden Reads hosted an event called “Bubbles and...
The class of 2019 held its first social event at Townline Luxury Lanes. The social event was...