A more recent Step Team tradition for Valentine’s Day is selling bouquets, each with a little twist:...
Aliana Lloyd, Hana Wanas, Kyle Dang, and Abyan Ali also contributed to this article. Chinese New Year,...
Wingardium Leviosa—if your childhood was just as immersed with Harry Potter as mine, then the nostalgia that...
Nothing is quite as immersive as a good book. Novels provide an incredible gateway into people’s lives(and...
The conclusion of the first semester also marks the first completed semester by the Class of 2028....
Poetry Out Loud (POL) is a national competition held annually at Malden High School. All students are...
As March approaches, there is something that students at Malden High can look forward to: the 85th...
Whether it is with dread or excitement, every student at Malden High School anticipates Poetry Out Loud...
IXL is an online platform used by many high schools, including Malden High, to help students practice...
Math has often been labeled as the universal language. While it might be true that numbers work...