1. What is one thing you will take away from your high school experience?“Malden High School in...
On May 2, 2016 Malden played against a fierce opponent, the Revere patriots. Although they started the...
Junior Jonathan Dong is currently participating in his third crew season as a varsity rower. He mentioned...
Senior Bianca Alves is a varsity crew member who joined the team when she was a freshman....
Sophomore Vitya Teague has taken private tennis lessons for five years. It is no wonder that he...
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Senior Edward Gu has played on the varsity boys tennis team for three years. He started playing...
The girls tennis team welcomes back junior Samantha Tso for her second year on varsity. Tso has...
Junior Leah Tramondozzi is a varsity coxswain on the crew team who joined during her freshman year....
The softball team welcomed a new and very talented member this year, freshman Taylor Bozzi. Bozzi has...