Already in gear, Malden High School’s boys volleyball team is ready to succeed and make this a...
With the Malden High School’s Girls Lacrosse team’s season just kicking off, the team is eager to...
With the girls lacrosse season just kicking off, stars are rising on the varsity team. One of...
Along with spring and the prospect of warm weather, comes the new sports season. Tennis, one of...
With a fresh season on field, the Malden High School’s boys varsity lacrosse team throws it back...
Although technically the same sport, boys’ and girls’ lacrosse has many obvious differences, begging for the attention...
On Apr. 6, 2016 the first boys tennis game of the season took place against Haverhill. Games...
Senior Nicholas Andreucci has been playing baseball from a young age. He started off playing tee ball...
The Malden High School outdoor track season started on Mar. 21, 2016. The Greater Boston League season...
One of the biggest sports teams at Malden High School is the crew team. Head coach Sarah Jones...