Republican President-Elect Donald Trump, defied odds as a political outsider on the early morning of November 9th,...
All news of and relating to the United States.
The 2016 election has been an unforgettable one. I would not accredit that to the remarkability of...
Government officials and city workers are always highlighting the importance of political activity and staying involved in...
Massachusetts is currently in the process of reviewing legislation for a Transgender Public Accommodations Bill. Public accommodations...
In an attempt to combat the rapid spread of the Zika virus, federal officials have decided to...
Super Tuesday, this year on Mar. 1, 2016, is the most important day of the primary...
The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary were the first two preliminary elections to occur in the...
The lack of diversity in the media, and more specifically, the Academy Awards, has strained our country’s...
Over the past few years, a common thread has emerged on social media and in the news...
By JAMES MAZARAKIS After a rather wacky hand of cards in 2012, Democrats and Republicans still look...