As the end of the year draws near, the conclusion of this high school journey also fast...
The goal of the Learning Assistance Center (LAC) is to provide Malden High School’s Special Education students...
Entering college as a freshman is known to be a crazy switch from high school. Over the...
A stroke of a paintbrush or the mold of a vase sets forth a series of actions...
Hidden Ducks for a Hidden Activity Lauryne Jean Joseph When entering the school’s library, there are many...
In a world of sexism, Asian hate, and discrimination, local communities have stood their ground. Many individuals...
According to’s rankings, Malden High School is the most diverse high school in the Commonwealth of...
Clubs that involve STEM competitions and olympiads are often considered quintessential high school extracurriculars. Yet, in response...
Mental health is a huge matter for students and teenagers worldwide. It has been estimated that about...
With the calendar year wrapping up and a four-day Thanksgiving break ahead, the National Honor Society helped...