Nathan Dean contributed to this article Walking into the cozy Malden Public Library on the night of...
malden reads
Malden Reads hosted a virtual screening and short discussion on Wednesday, February 9th. They streamed the movie...
The king of Masks movie poster image from IMDb. Malden Reads and The Chinese Culture Connection both...
Each year, the Malden Reads committee selects a book for the school district along with the community...
From Left to Right: Brendan Kiely, Kelly Greenidge, Neil Swidley, and Keith Knight. Photo by Ajithaan Sathiyendra. ...
Malden Reads is hosting “A Conversation on Race” a special panel discussion on race inspired by the...
Malden Reads hosted a “Pizza for Patina Readers” event at Dockside, on April 20th 2018. Patina is...