A World of Colors
We live in a world of colors and labels, lots of them. A world where our eyes only see the colors but never bother to look at what is on the inside of a person. We live in a world where we can somehow speak color, and act color. “You talk white”“You act black” they…
‘Muricanism: Arrogance Wrapped In Red White & Blue
In recent years the terms “‘Murica” or “‘Muricanism” have made their way onto the world-wide scene, usually being the basis of satire of modern American beliefs. While it’s all good practice to poke fun at strange social situations, the unfortunate fact regarding ‘Muricansm is that it’s a worse social cancer than Twitter or violent video…
When Peaceful Protest Just Isn’t Enough
On April 14th, 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray Jr. was arrested by Baltimore City Police, to then later die in police custody. Since then protests and riots alike have sparked not only in Baltimore but across the United States as well, creating a social outcry rivaling that of the Ferguson events in August of 2014, and…
OPINION: Jim Crow’s “Equality”
By JAMES MAZARAKIS In America, slavery officially ended in 1865, but equality for people of color has been a long trip that has taken 148 years – and counting. Particularly in the decades following the civil war, black citizens had access to few of the same privileges that white people exercised. This included voting. State…
OPINION: “Time Went Forward; Racial Treatment Didn’t”
By TENZIN DORJEE Instead of moving forward with the times as 2013 comes to a close, a case of an African-American being racially discriminated appears. Towards the end of the month of the turkey, it was discovered that three students from California’s San Jose State University had been harassing and abusing their African-American roommate. The…